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Closure of the SH25 Bridge at Kuaotunu

Monday 14 October Update from TCDC on the incoming weather event: Of special note regarding the parking at Kuaotunu while the bridge is closed: "The reserves either side of the foot bridge will be boggy and may in fact flood so we’re asking these residents to relocate their vehicles to higher ground for the next couple of days if they’re parked in the current...

October 8, 2019

Community Newsletter

A New Owner for the Kuaotunu Store A warm welcome to Nina Hammond, the new owner of Kuaotunu Store.A long time resident of the area, Nina is well known to many locals, having started Nina’s Café and currently co-owner of The Cave in Whitianga.Nina is in the process of settling in and is not planning on any changes in the short term.  Watch for a takeaway menu later in the year.Pictured is Nina with Fran McCallum. Eve Russell is also on the staff. Calling all Local Creatives! Would y...

August 25, 2019

Community Newsletter

Proposed Spat Catching Farm Many of you will have noticed (on TV, in the papers, on Kuaotunu Katchup etc) the application, currently with Waikato Regional Council, to gain resource consent to establish 30 hectares of mussel spat farm off the Whauwhau.Your Committee has studied the application and is of the opinion that it insufficiently addresses environmental impact and does not specify social and economic advantages with a thorough cost/benefit case. On that basis, and following the brief disc...

June 1, 2019

Community Newsletter

Successful Public Meeting Held in February The Committee of the Residents and Ratepayers Association is delighted that so many members of the community took the time to attend the public meeting held at the beginning of February. The purpose of the meeting was to talk about how we might make progress in addressing some of the suggestions and issues arising from the recent Community Plan refresh survey (if you haven't already read them you can see them here), and the input received was posit...

March 31, 2019

Community Newsletter

The new Library is now open! The Kuaotunu Library Committee is delighted to report that the library building has been completed on time and within budget. We would like to thank TCDC, the Domain Board, Carters, Guthrie Bowrons, and our hardworking community, for their generous donations of money and time towards this project. Books from the existing hall library have been relocated along with donated books from Mercury Bay Library, local authors and residents. It is planned to hold a book s...

December 19, 2018

Community Newsletter

Community Plan Update - Have Your Say! It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves(William Shakespeare)Earlier this year we promised to distribute the 2009/2010 Community Plan to everyone again and to seek your thoughts and ideas.We have condensed the original plan down to 20 main themes, and would love you to tell us whether these themes are still important to you now, ten years on.What matters?  What's important? What's needed to maintain the beauty of our ...

October 10, 2018

Community Newsletter

Reserve Management Over the last 12 months there has been renewed discussions over the use and management of our public reserve spaces. In Kuaotunu there are many more reserves than one would expect for such a small community. KRRA wishes to be faithful to the 2009 Community Plan, which indicates we need to protect our assets and preserve the natural spaces. We do this by communicating these ideals to the appropriate governing bodies.This focus on our reserves has coincided with the TCDC re...

July 26, 2018

Community Newsletter

Introducing the new KRRA Chairman, Brent Page Welcome to the first newsletter from the new Committee of your Residents & Ratepayers Association, freshly elected at the AGM in April. We know you will join us in thanking all the members of the previous committee. They put in a huge number of hours, worked tirelessly on our behalf and as the last year of newsletters has outlined, achieved a lot. We applaud their commitment to ensuring our Community’s voice is heard, where and when it matters!&nbs...

June 1, 2018

Community Newsletter

Proposed New Site for the Kuaotunu Library There have been concerns expressed recently about the proposed new site for the Kuaotunu library at the Domain, despite this proposal having been discussed fully at the recent public meeting in January with no dissent having been expressed.To ensure that everyone is fully informed of the steps, processes and decisions that have led to this choice, the Library Committee has provided some background information here.The Library Committee believe...

March 17, 2018

Community Newsletter

Successful KRRA Public Meeting held in January Our usual January public meeting was exceptionally well-attended this year, with the committee being joined by close to 65 members of the public together with representatives from TCDC. It was fantastic to see so many of you there.The minutes of the meeting have now been drafted (they will be approved at next year's meeting) and you can read them here. The next big event on the KRRA calendar is our AGM which will be held on the 1st of...

February 13, 2018

Community Newsletter

Bluff Road Now OpenWe are delighted that Bluff Rd was able to be re-opened before Christmas to cyclists and pedestrians. The photo above shows Bluff Road with the safety mesh installed, just prior to reopening. Public Meeting THIS SUNDAY, 7 January at 3pm (at the Kuaotunu Hall) KRRA (Kuaotunu Residents & Ratepayers Association) always holds a public meeting at this time of the year, so that our many absentee ratepayers have the chance to not only hear in person what's happening in the Kuaot...

January 4, 2018

Community Newsletter

Site for the Kuaotunu Library Identified The Library Committee is delighted to announce that the Kuaotunu Library is working towards having its own new premises at the domain, with the generous assistance of the Domain Board.  The proposal being worked upon is for the other half of the toilet block (currently designated as a changing shed and storage facility, but very under-utilised) to be converted into premises for the library.The existing benches and c...

December 2, 2017

Community Newsletter

You are Invited... The Kuaotunu Hall Committee is pleased to invite you to its Annual General Meeting which is being held at the Kuaotunu Hall on Saturday 21 October at 3pm.  This is the annual opportunity for the members of the Committee to update you on the projects which they have been working on during the last financial year (of which the fabulous new floor was obviously the major one) - and to let you know about projects planned for th...

October 20, 2017

Community Newsletter

Thank you very much to all those who made contact with us upon receiving the first newsletter - we received many notes of appreciation, responses to our requests for feedback, and many people took the opportunity to pay their membership fees or join KRRA for the first time. We are very heartened by the response and will continue to work hard to bring you newsletters which are informative and interesting....

September 20, 2017

Community Newsletter

We are pleased to bring you what we hope will be the first of many newsletters to keep you informed of what's happening, what's coming up and what issues are top of mind around Kuaotunu. We hope you find it useful!...

July 30, 2017 Posts 26-40 of 40 | Page prev