Site for the Kuaotunu Library Identified
The Library Committee is delighted to announce that the Kuaotunu Library is working towards having its own new premises at the domain, with the generous assistance of the Domain Board.
The proposal being worked upon is for the other half of the toilet block (currently designated as a changing shed and storage facility, but very under-utilised) to be converted into premises for the library.
The existing benches and clothes pegs in the changing shed would be incorporated into the men's and women's toilets. The existing two doors on the changing shed side would be replaced by windows, french doors would be installed in the middle, and a lean-to and a wooden deck would be added at the front. A new storage shed would be erected at the back.
The Library Committee thinks this is a brilliant idea, and is very grateful to TCDC for suggesting it, and to the Domain Board for supporting it.
Adding a library to the domain, which already contains a sports field, tennis courts and BBQ (and is right next door to the Food Forest), would reinforce the domain as a great family-friendly area. What do you think? Let us know.
Can You Help Reduce Predator Numbers in our Neigbourhood?

Starting off with Kuaotunu West (i.e. from Seavill Park Road to Hilldale Crescent), there are a number of ways you can participate:
- Have a trap in your backyard
- Become a volunteer trapper
- Donate money to buy traps
KRRA Public Meeting on 7 January 2018
The Residents & Ratepayers Association is having its usual annual public meeting at the Kuaotunu Hall, at 3pm on Sunday the 7th of January.
We hold a public meeting at this time of the year so that our absentee ratepayers, many of whom can visit Kuaotunu only during the summer holiday season, have a chance to attend.
The purpose of the meeting is to update you all on matters that the Association has been occupied with on your behalf during the year, and to get your direct feedback on current issues of interest.
This is your opportunity to get up-to-date on what's going on, and to have your say - we look forward to seeing you there. (Note that an email reminder will be sent in early January).
Kuaotunu Hall News
The Hall Committee is delighted to announce the launch of its new website, Make sure to check out the blog page which the Committee will use to celebrate major events at the hall.
If you own an accommodation business, or a business that provides services or hire equipment for events, functions and/or weddings, and would like your business to be listed on the site, please contact the Hall Committee.
Last month the community gathered at the hall for a 1940's Dance Party fundraising event. The Hall Committee would like to thank Jannine Verner for organising the event, and all of the sponsors who so generously donated prizes for the raffle.
Over $1,000 was raised for the hall, and this will be going towards the next major maintenance project (repairing the south side wall). A fabulous time was had by all who attended.
Reminder: FREE Kiwi Aversion Sessions for Dogs
As mentioned in the previous newsletter, there are two dates coming up for dog aversion training in the Kuaotunu area:
Saturday 16 December 2017 - 8:30am to 12:30pm
Saturday 13 January 2018 - 8:30am to 12:30pm
The sessions take approximately 10 minutes per dog and they are free. To book one of these sessions, or to register your interest in future sessions, please email Sheila at or text her on 021 716514 with the number of dogs to be trained. The venue is Waitaia Rd, Kuaotunu (follow the signs).
Sheila Westley is running these sessions as part of her voluntary contribution to the Project Kiwi Trust, but please feel free to donate a little to the Project Kiwi Trust, either on the day or via their website,
Update on the Kuaotunu Hub Website
In our July newsletter we mentioned that the Residents and Ratepayers Association was working on developing a website, to be called the Kuaotunu Hub, which we hoped would become the online home for everything connected with Kuaotunu.
We said that we were hoping to launch this in November... but unfortunately other projects have got in the way and this new site is still some way off. However it hasn't been forgotten and we will keep you posted on developments.
Happening This Weekend!!!
Get in Touch
We welcome your feedback on anything to do with this newsletter, or Kuaotunu itself. You can either reply to this email or contact us through our website.
You don't need to be a member of KRRA to receive this newsletter, but if you appreciate the work we do on your behalf and would like to have your opportunity to contribute to the ongoing development of this wonderful community we call home, please join KRRA today.