Kuaotunu Residents & Ratepayers Association

Current Chair, Steve Hart

Current Chair, Steve Hart

Introducing KRRA...

The Kuaotunu Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc (KRRA) is an incorporated society that aims to provide a forum for discussion on local issues, and to represent and promote the views and aspirations of Kuaotunu residents and ratepayers to all relevant authorities.

To achieve this we work closely with the Thames-Coromandel District Council (TCDC), and the Mercury Bay Community Board, with regards to environment and planning matters that affect Kuaotunu. Where necessary we make non-partisan submissions to local bodies on legislation that affects Kuaotunu.

Many local bodies such as the Council prefer to deal with a representative body like KRRA rather than individual residents and ratepayers. When issues arise that affect the Kuaotunu community, KRRA will consult with its members and represent the consensus opinion.


Membership of KRRA is open to anyone who lives, or who owns property, in the general area of Kuaotunu (including Ring's Beach, but excluding Matarangi and Otama/Opito Bay who have their own representation).

The membership year runs from 1 April to 31 March. Membership fees for the new financial year are due in April and must be made before 30 June in order to retain your membership status. 

Joining KRRA for the first time?

The membership subscription of $10 per person (per annum) or $50 per person (per 5 years) can be paid online: 

Account number: 38-9018-0281956-00 

Account name: Kuaotunu Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc
Particulars: Your surname and address (e.g. Jones 126 SH25)
Reference: Sub

If you would prefer to pay your membership subscription in cash, please contact the Treasurer to arrange this.

Current Committee Members

Steve Hart (Chair)

0274 744 223

Kevin Crawford (Sec)

021 336 482

Mark Kilgour (Treasurer)

021 946 530

Gael Smith

027 866 4797

Roimata Taimana

021 088 60641

Ian Preece (Dep Chair)

021 134 7865

Marguerite Muellers

021 0686 687

Isabel Gilbert Palmer

027 247 5271

The Committee

The committee is elected at the annual AGM held in April, and meets every 6 weeks on a Thursday evening. The date and location of each upcoming committee meeting is advertised on the home page of this website, and also on the community calendar.

All members of the community are welcome to attend KRRA committee meetings. The first 10 minutes are set aside for public input.

If you would like to make a formal presentation to the committee, please contact us at least 2 days prior to the scheduled monthly meeting to ensure that you are included in the agenda.